End of the Bench: Observations on the World of Sports
Last Wednesday all we wanted to do was watch day 2 of the NBA season. We were all ready to watch the Jazz take on the Nuggets, but much to our dismay, everyone was watching the World Series. Such a sad day.  We do understand that this is the championship and all, but quite honestly, we would much rather take regular season basketball over a playoff baseball game, but that’s just us. Clearly, some people were excited about baseball (although that seems to be an oxy-moron).

                So, as much as I hate to admit this, for about the last week we actually watched the World Series. As of Sunday night, the Yankees were poised to win their 27th World Series title, up on the Phillies 3 games to 1. Whoop de doo.

                Really though, it’s not a huge surprise that the Yankees are winning. The Yankees’ payroll is $50 million higher than the second-highest team, the Mets, and about $80 million higher than the Phillies’ payroll. Herein lies one of the fundamental problems of baseball (other than it’s just plain boring): you can quite often buy your way to success. The Yankees make the playoffs almost every year by merely ponying up the big bucks and acquiring the best talent out there. Where’s the fun in that?

                Furthermore, it’s hard to take baseball seriously. How can you, when it seems that everyone worth noticing in the last ten years has admitted to using steroids.  While we know that people have talked and analyzed the steroids issue to death, we just find it hard to watch a sport where players have harmed their bodies in order to gain an advantage over others. There’s just not much to say.

                Overall, this series hasn’t been all that exciting to us. While baseball fans will talk about all the amazing plays, we just think that it’s another example of Goliath beating up on David. Quite honestly, the Phillies should just let the Yankees win Game 5 so we can get back to basketball season.

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